Sunday, June 5, 2011

Fishing Report 6/5/11 - Mosquito Lagoon-Whales Tail

Mosquito Lagoon Fishing Report - Whales Tail
Sun.  June 5, 2011
Moon - 4 days past new moon
M.F.=  1:55 pm
Temp.: 69 low to 84 in afternoon
wind: NNE @ 0  mph early, built to 10 mph noon (slick flat early)
pressure: steady (high)
humidity:  61 avg. (45-88)  
rain: 0

I'm still scouting for some big fish at the " goon" so I went to the "Whales Tail" this morning. I put in off the Biolab road and paddled for the flat. The water was like glass this morning and it was a great morning to be on the water. There was already a flats boat on the Tail which gave me a good bearing. By the time I made the 3/4 mile paddle 4 more boats had joined him. I picked off 3 ladyfish in short order on the paddle out.

When I finally got over there I could see no bait to speak of so I made a loop around the flat searching for bait or tailing fish. I found a little school of mullet that were feeding on the southwest end but there was no redfish action in it. One of the flats boats that was anchored off the west side of the flat looked like he was hooked to a fish. As I got closer I could see his rod was doubled over. I don't know how long he had been fighting the fish when I saw him but it took another 30 minutes to get him alongside the boat. I was off a ways from him but I could see he was a horse when he hefted him onto the boat. I'd say he was over 20lb.! Great redfish. I expect he was fishing bait as he was in 3-4' of water.

I tried to pick up a trout in the deeper water with the MirrOdine and fished a gulp shrimp and a piece of cut ladyfish but nothing! I probably should have hung out to see what developed but after 2 hours I decided to hit another spot.
I headed for the small launch south of Haulover at the old guard shack. As it was getting later I paddled out for some deeper water to look for some sand. The bait was scarce but after a pretty good paddle I finally found a mix of mullet and menhaden on top. The first cast produced a Ladyfish as did the second and third. I made another cast with the mirrOdine and it was fish on. This one however, was pulling harder and staying deep.....turned out to be a 16" trout! I was finally on a few fish. Well, by the time I got the trout off, took his picture and put him on my stringer a bunch of dolphins showed up and ruined the whole deal. They busted into the bait and in a few minuted everything was gone!
I paddled back to the bank to have a look at the canals and trough along the shore but the water is so low there was no fish there.

When I got back to the launch there was a small 5' gator hanging out there. Strange to see them in the salt water like that.

Anyhow, that was it. It's off to look at some new water next trip, probably Eddy's creek area.

Here's a few pictures from this morning.


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