Saturday, August 11, 2012

Has This Ever Happened to You?


If you like to hunt and fish like myself, I expect you may have fallen victim to a temporary lapse in judgement just as my friend Troy did today. The following may help you with your situation.

I fished my good friend Troy Kent this morning. We were chasing pogy schools, looking for Beach Tarpon in our kayaks off Flagler Beach.

We had made our plan late Friday night and Troy was to meet me at the beach by 8:00AM the next morning. The only stipulation to going was that he had to meet his wife by 12 o'clock noon!

You can probably see where this is going......a fishing trip planed with me, on a time table? HUH??

We weren't having much luck hooking up a tarpon but the sharks were keeping us on our toes.

Well, about 11:00 I called over to Troy....."how you doin' on time ?, You need to go?"  Troy pondered the question briefly and responded back...."I'm O.K.!"

So, we kept on fishing. Who am I to tell my friend he needs to stop fishing so he can go meet his wife?

In Troy's defense,  we had probably seen 40-50 aggressive tarpon strikes at this point and caught 6-7 nice sharks.

About 12:00 ol' Troy hooked up another shark from under the pogy school and after a volley of stripped line and a tug-a-war, Troy finally brought him alongside the yak. I was able to de-hook the toothy fish and I thought that might be a fitting end to the trip so I asked Troy if he wanted to call off the dogs and head for the hill?

Troy paused a moment and said "let's try em again!"  I replied, "O.K......, let's go hook one up!"
(Troy) "that's what I'm talkin' bout'! You might have to write me an excuse for my wife though."

So, we paddled back to catch up with the school.

After about a half an hour the Tarpon action had slowed and I looked over to see Troy reeling in a pogy he had just snagged. He paused for a minute and I could see he was thinking about something. I decided I had better offer to head in if he needed to. He replied "what the heck.....lets run through em again!"

You don't have to ask me twice!

After about another 30 minutes  Troy finally said, "Larry, you know, I had probably better get going"

"Yeah, let's call it and head in."

It was probably 1:00 by the time we beached the boats and by 1:30 PM we were loaded and ready to head for home.

Now I should mention Troy and his wife are school teachers so the "writing an excuse" comment was kind of a joke but when I got back to the office it came to me to do just that.

The following is the excuse I prepared for Troy and feel free to copy it if you should find yourself in a similar situation!



Please accept this note as evidence of Troy's where abouts for the period of time between 8:30 AM and 1:30 PM.,  this day, Aug. 11, 2012.  The Tarpon striking action lured us into the false sense that we might hook up with one of the beasts at any moment. Unfortunately, this clouded our good judgement and best intentions.  Though others of our fishing party departed in a timely manor, we willfully abandoned our commitments and obligations, pressing on with our efforts.

Troy and I are deeply regretful of our actions today and Troy fully understands the implications of his broken promise to meet you no later than noon, this day.  He has given me all assurance that he will make this up to you at an agreed upon time and in a manor of your choosing.

However, as regretful and embarrassed as we may be of our shortcomings, I fear that Troy may fall victim of this circumstance in the future and recommend that he make additional copies of this note, for use as the need may arise.

For these reasons and under these circumstances,  I choose to offer no assurances to anyone as to my where abouts at any given time, as this has not proven to work out well for those individuals in the past.

Furthermore, I am understanding of your situation as Troy was 37minutes late  in meeting me this very morning!

In closing, please excuse Troy's poor judgement and tardy arrival.

Thank You,
Larry Stephens,

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