Saturday, July 7, 2012

Kayak Fishing Report, Flagler Beach Surf 7-7-12

I scouted North Flagler Beach Friday afternoon and found at least a dozen small pogy pods about 3:00 PM. There were likely more but it was cloudy inland and shading large parts of the surf making them difficult to see. I did not see any strikes in them. Still, I was glad to see some decent bait activity finally turning up.

I made a plan for this morning to fish with Rick Edwards. We met at the beach about 8:00 AM and fell right into bait at our first stop. Much of the bait was not schooled very tight.

We ended up putting in up by the Aliki Condo on some scattered bait but it was not looking promising for a tarpon. There was absolutely nothing striking into them on the surface.

Rick did have one tarpon roll about 15' from his boat and I saw something large boil the water but could not see it for an ID.

Rick ended up catching one 3' or so black tip shark and that was about it. We had a couple baits bit off but overall it was really slow.

The surf was starting to get pretty large at the beach so we decided to call it about 11:30. Other than the large breakers at the beach the conditions were pretty good. Luckily, I timed it coming in just right and missed all the big breakers and rode it in all the way to the beach without so much as a splash.

That's some angry breakers right there!

Where are the Tarpon?

My dad whooped up on some big Black Drum in the Halifax River yesterday evening just before dark. He had a limit and three were over 10 lb. I might have to hit the drum and take out some frustration on them!

Larry S.

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